
Fourth of July Parade

Well, I'm a month behind. I will catch up, slowly but surely - I am determined to.

We had a nice, quiet 4th of July this year....we arrived home from MN on the night of the 3rd so we took the next day easy, just enjoying our time together at home.

We went downtown to catch the tail end of the Greensboro parade and Sophia enjoyed sitting in a fire truck. :) We didn't last too long downtown though because it was already HOT at 10 am. We are so thankful to live in a country with so many freedoms and blessings.

sweet girl fell asleep on our way to the parade (a whole 10 min drive from our house....she loves her car seat now after all those hours on the road this summer!) 

 watching the floats go by!

Her grin was from ear-to-ear! She loved "driving" the fire truck! :)